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Boehlerit Magazin 2016-EN

The first Qualification Day was held at shoppingcenter ece Kapfenberg on 12th November 2015. Young people, parents and the interested public in general were invited to see for themselves what qualification and further training options are on offer in Upper Styria. The event was organised by the ece shopping centre in cooperation with the regional management organisation for Eastern Upper Styria, the munici- pality of Kapfenberg and media partner “Hochsteira” magazine. 20 educational institutions from the region of Eastern Upper Styria presented their educational, training and career guidance schemes (among them companies such as Böhler Edelstahl, Pankl, AT&S, Norske Skog, and some schools). Boehlerit was represented by Mr. Kain, who is in charge of the apprenticeship programme of Boehlerit, and two apprentices (Nicole Brunnsteiner, Julian Maitz). They informed some 550 interested visitors – most of them pupils – about the trades that young people can learn at Boehlerit. Manfred Wegscheider, Mayor of Kapfenberg and himself a former Boehlerit employee, visited our exhibition stand and chose it as the backdrop for an interview with the regional Mema TV station. Boehlerit was also featured in a brief coverage on Mema TV. Since it is now becoming increasingly difficult to find young people who are interested in an apprenticeship, the Qualification Day is certain- ly a good opportunity to present our company and raise its profile in the region at the youth. eCE qualification Day 2015 (f.l.t.r.) The apprentice commissioner of the Company Boehlerit Hans Kain and the personnalmanager Gabriele Enzinger At the Boehlerit stand was always something going on. 020 BOEHLERIT MAGAZINE
