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Boehlerit Magazin 2016-EN

COVER-STORY milling The new milling range of Boehlerit comprises 10 innovative tool systems and 12 new milling grades. All modern materials can be reliably and economically machined with the new tools that are fine-tuned to the requirements of face and step milling. The quality standards in milling have been defined by the Boeh- lerit cutting experts for decades now – and the latest proof of their exper- tise was presented at EMO 2015 in Milan. The development engineers in the Austrian steel industry town of Kapfenberg put all their technical know-how into a dynamic FEM design (finite-element method) for Boeh- lerit milling equipment to create stable milling tools with excellent fatigue strength properties, optimum chip formation and precise concentricity characteristics. All tools are nickel-implanted and owe their long tool life to special materials and heat treatments. The basis of the new high-end milling range are 10 innovative tool systems, including multi-purpose tool systems where one base body makes two types of machining possible. This reduces the carrier body costs and saves warehousing expenses. The range includes highly economical high-feed tools and face-milling cutters with 16 edges. A total of 12 new milling grades cover all the many milling tasks of face or step milling in all current materials. They combine machining reliability and economic efficiency. Various carbide substrates are used to produce the range of mil- ling grades, or indexable milling inserts, fine-tuned to cover an extensive range of face and step milling operations: from roughing to finishing, from cast to steel, stainless materials and aluminium. The milling grades guarantee minimal wear on free areas and a higher resistance to chip- ping of the cutting edges. Resistance to thermal cracking or crater wear is also ensured. A special point to note here: Boehlerit uses exclusively no-conflict (fair) resources for the production of its carbides. The patented, innovative TERAspeed 2.0 AlTiN layer, deposited by means of HR-CVD technology (HR = High Reactivity) is a special highlight of the new milling programme. The high aluminium content of this AlTiN layer and its innovative nanostructure make it possible, for the 45° 90° PItec 45N DELTAtec 90N Tang BETAtec 90P Feed Boehlerit developed an entirely new high-end milling programme 012 BOEHLERIT MAGAZINE
